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debriefing - 事後解釋、事後釋疑;彙報debriefing - 事後解釋、事後釋疑;彙報 - 國家教育研究院雙語詞彙 › detail關於精選摘要Daily Debrief: What Happened Today, Government & Economy ...2021年1月15日 · GL Limited owns hotel operator glh, which has Hard Rock Hotel London in its portfolio of hotels in the UK. PHOTO: GOOGLE MAPS. Stories you ...debriefing - Yahoo奇摩字典搜尋結果n. 布置任務; 盤問 the soldiers will remain here for debriefing 士兵們將在這裡待命. 牛津中文 ...debrief 在英語-中文(繁體)詞典中的翻譯 - Cambridge Dictionary2 天前 · The pilots were thoroughly debriefed after every mission. 機師每次完成任務後, 都要接受詳細詢問。

a debriefing session 執行任務情況匯報會.Value of Debriefing during Simulated Crisis Management ...The purpose of this study was to investigate the value of the debriefing ... Yee B, Naik VN, Joo HS, Savoldelli GL, Chung DY, Houston PL, Karatzoglou BJ, ...debriefing中文,debriefing是什麼意思,debriefing發音和翻譯::敵情匯報 ...debriefing中文:敵情匯報;天氣匯報;飛行后講評;敵情詢問;飛行員返航后的口頭氣象匯報;飛行后匯報…,點擊查查權威綫上辭典詳細解釋debriefing的中文翻譯 ...Charles Michel on Twitter: "Debriefing Prime Minister Orban on ...2011年3月12日 · Debriefing Prime Minister Orban on yesterday's important agreement reached by the #Eurozone countries: 6:18 AM - 12 ...PAPYRUS no Twitter: " Did you know HOPELINEUK offers a ...2020年9月5日 · Did you know HOPELINEUK offers a debriefing service? As well as supporting young people experiencing thoughts of suicide, we also offer a ...The current status of psychological debriefing - NCBI - NIHKenardy JA, Webster RA, Lewin TJ, Carr VJ, Hazell PL, Carter GL. Stress debriefing and patterns of recovery following a natural disaster. J Trauma Stress. 1996 ...debrief的中文翻釋和情境影片範例- VoiceTube 翻譯字典超過360萬人愛用的線上英語學習平台!上萬部YouTube影片教材,搭配中英文翻譯字幕與英漢字典,輕鬆掌握日常對話、瞭解單字的發音與用法。

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