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[PDF] 稜鏡調適對忽略症之視覺搜尋的療效探討 - 國立成功大學機構典藏... A. Z., Ollinger, J. M., Drury, H. A.,. Linenweber, M. R., Petersen, S. E., Raichle, M. E., Van Essem, D. C., & Shulman, G. L. ... Visual search in hemineglect: What stirs idle eyes? Clinical ... Journal of Taiwan Occupational Therapy Association.Hemineglect - Scholarpedia2017年1月27日 · Hemineglect, also known as unilateral neglect, hemispatial neglect or spatial neglect, is a common ... Corbetta, M., and Shulman, G.L. (2002).忽略症候群 - 社團法人中華民國物理治療師公會全國聯合會文字版;地圖版. 社團法人中華民國物理治療師公會全國聯合會. Corporation Aggregate National Federation of Associations of Physical Therapists, Taiwan R.O.C.Distinct Syndromes of Hemineglect | JAMA Neurology | JAMA NetworkHemineglect was assessed in 34 patients with right-hemisphere stroke using a letter-cancellation task and ... Daffner KR, Ahern GL, Weintraub S, Mesulam MM.臨床研究在認知科學的角色:以忽略症(neglect)的研究為例Visual processing without awareness: Evidence from unilateral neglect. Journal of cognitive neuroscience, 4, 345-351. Corbetta, M, Shulman, G. L., Miezin, F. M.  ...SPATIAL NEGLECT AND ATTENTION NETWORKS - NCBI - NIH... overlap of lesions in patients diagnosed with neglect (middle panel)(A.R. Carter, G.L. Shulman, ... Aron AR, Robbins TW, Poldrack RA. ... Simulating a lesion in a basis function model of spatial representations: comparison with hemineglect.Hemispatial neglect - WikipediaHemiagnosia · hemineglect · unilateral neglect · spatial neglect · contralateral neglect · unilateral visual inattention · hemi-inattention · neglect syndrome ...Hemispatial neglect | Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery & PsychiatryZoccolotti P, Judica A. Functional evaluation of hemineglect by means of a ... Kerkhoff G. Spatial hemineglect in humans. ... Corbetta M, Shulman GL. Control of ...Thalamic Hemorrhage | Stroke - AHA Journals1995年6月1日 · Facebook; Twitter; Linked In; Mendeley; Reddit; Digg; Email ... those with left- sided lesions and hemineglect and anosognosia in those with right-sided lesions . ... a thalamic lesion produces hemineglect by interrupting the ipsilateral corticolimbic-reticular ... Google Scholar; 21 Marler JR, Price TR, Clark GL.Mirror therapy for improving motor function after stroke - Thieme, H ...Bowering KJ, O'Connell NE, Tabor A, Catley MJ, Leake HB, Moseley GL, et al. ... Exclusion criteria: had no apraxia or hemineglect; had no orthopaedic and neurologic ... Council, Healthy Ageing Research Center at Chang Gung University, Taiwan ... Español · Français · 日本語 · Bahasa Malaysia · Polski · Русский · 简体中文.
