world currency 的中文意思、world currency 翻譯、world ...
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From 1870 to the first world war, the currency system used the international gold monometallism, and the exchange rate took the specie par as the foundation. 英文→中文 中文→英文> 字典 英漢字典 worldcurrency的中文意思 worldcurrency 中文意思是什麼 英
- 1貨幣currency的搭配詞彙- 廖柏森:英語與翻譯教學- udn部落格
至於針對貨幣市場行情的陳述可見以下例句: The Indian rupee yesterday hit a record low against the US dollar as fears a...
- 2currency 在英語-中文(繁體)詞典中的翻譯 - Cambridge ...
更多範例. Take some foreign currency to cover incidentals like the taxi fare to your hotel. Five peop...
- 3貨幣轉換器計算工具| XE 即時匯率
The Original Currency Exchange Rates Calculator. Since 1995, the Xe Currency Converter has provid...
- 4currency中文, currency是什麼意思:通貨… - 查查綫上翻譯
currencyとは意味:currency n. 通貨; 通用, 流布; 平価.【動詞+】◇The idea has acquired some currency. その考えは多少広まってきた◇...
- 5major currency-翻译为中文-例句英语| Reverso Context
The most popular Forex currencies include USD (US dollar), JPY (Japanese Yen), GBP (Pound Sterli...