Episode 50, Starseed Souls Spiritual Rebels and Misfits

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As governments around the world continue to disclose evidence of other worldly beings, it's time to question the origin of your soul. GlobalNav開啟選單 GlobalNav關閉選單 Apple 購物袋 + 搜尋apple.com 取消 Apple 商店 Mac iPad iPhone Watch AirPods TV和家庭 Apple獨家 配件 支援服務 購物袋 + 取消 ApplePodcast預覽 58分鐘 播放 Asgovernmentsaroundtheworldcontinuetodiscloseevidenceofotherworldlybeings,it'stimetoquestiontheoriginofyoursoul.OnthisepisodewediveintothetopicofStarseeds.Wherethetermoriginated,whatitmeansandhowityoucantapintothisenergytoconnectwithyoursoul'suniquefrequency&mission. 播放 58分鐘 更多單集 ©2021SpiritualRebelsandMisfits
