装箱的英文怎么说_装箱的英文_沪江英语 - 沪江韩语
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装箱的英文: box box up boxed case coffer encasement. 参考例句:. Solid Pack 单色单码装箱; The oranges were boxed and sent off quickly. 装箱的英文怎么说 2012-07-1119:31 本文支持点词翻译Poweredby沪江小D 装箱的英文:boxboxupboxedcasecofferencasement参考例句:SolidPack单色单码装箱Theorangeswereboxed
- 1装箱用英语怎么说_装箱英文怎么说_装箱英文翻译_趣词词典
人么通常用装箱算法来计算这个问题,比如说怎样装载货船。 People use bin packing algorithms to figure out, for example, how to ...
- 2裝箱的英文怎麼說 - Dict.site 英漢/漢英線上英文字典
中文拼音[zhuāngxiāng]. 裝箱英文. enchase; binning; encasement裝箱報告vanning report; 裝箱單container loading lis...
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- 4装箱的英文怎么说_装箱的英文_沪江英语 - 沪江韩语
装箱的英文: box box up boxed case coffer encasement. 参考例句:. Solid Pack 单色单码装箱; The oranges were boxed ...
- 5外貿英語之包裝packing - 外貿專業術語| B2Bers.com