Emerald S 6C - 聽寶助聽中心˙助聽器選配˙5分鐘快速聽力測試
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Our premium Emerald™ receiver-in-canal (RIC) hearing aids are now available with our TruCore™ Technology in three models – the Emerald M, S, and XS. EmeraldS6C EmeraldS6C EmeraldS6C EmeraldS6C EmeraldS6C EmeraldS6C OurpremiumEmerald™receiver-in-canal(RIC)hearingaidsarenowavailablewithourTruCore™Technologyinthreemodels– theEmeraldM,S,andXS.Enjoyamorenaturallisteningexperiencethaneverwiththesediscreet,feature-richdevices. 返回列表 Top
- 1微型耳道接收式助听器Emerald™ S E1 RIC 远程遥控
Emerald S RIC Emerald S 对于那些追求隐蔽便捷的助听器的新老用户来说是完美的,它能将您保持连接到您想听到的每一个声音,包括您的无线音频设备。
- 2Emerald S 6C - 聽寶助聽中心˙助聽器選配˙5分鐘快速聽力測試
Our premium Emerald™ receiver-in-canal (RIC) hearing aids are now available with our TruCore™ Tec...
- 3Emerald Rexton
我们的魔笛Emerald RIC 助听器现在有三个型号拥有6C技术:Emerald M 6C 、Emerald S 6C 和Emerald XS 6C。使用这些功能丰富而又隐蔽的助听器来享受更加...
- 4Rexton Emerald M 8C - 權威/龍樂助聽器
Emerald M 8C 40/60/80. Rexton MyCore 八核心系列助聽器完美的結合了音訊直接串流以及進階雙耳訊號處理功能,音訊能直接串流至您的iPhone,進階雙耳訊號處理能讓...
- 5助聽器壓縮頻道數/WS Audiology | Jedi's BLOG - Jedi.org
廠牌, Rexton. 世代, MyCore/TruCore/QuadCore/Essential. 產品線, StyleLine/Emerald/Mosaic/inoX/Sterling/Jo...